
After going over her qualifications with Frito-Lay

After going over her qualifications with Frito-Lay and Yahoo!, Dunaway buttered up the reporters by FUT 16 Coins talking up their really like of game enjoying. "It's your job to carry the joy of the encounter experience to everyone," she said. She then recognized the "enthusiasm" of Manufacturers Inc. chief professional Satoru Iwata and provided items to "passionate" NOA chief professional Reggie Fils-Aime.

"We want those attending to FIFA 16 Coins encounter that passion," she said, saying, "The games we're showing hopefully will stimulate the primary and develop the complete activity industry."Given The effective fishing of the "blue ocean" of non-traditional players with the Wii, Dunaway obviously recognized the future Wii Fit as "the next car owner of the prolonged viewers."

